
Proudly Serving Clients for More Than 42 Years


Scangarello, LLC provides a full spectrum of planning and design services as well as architectural landscape services for municipal, commercial and residential clients. With an emphasis on innovative yet functional design, coupled with the know-how of implementation, Scangarello, LLC provides aesthetic, environmentally sound solutions that serve the individual needs of our clients.

Public Planning

Scangarello, LLC serves municipalities throughout New Jersey in every aspect of land planning, providing the strategies and solutions that ensure successful outcomes. With 42+ years of experience representing planning boards, zoning boards and municipal governing bodies, Scangarello, LLC knows that successful planning calls for the ability to fully engage the community, to communicate a clear vision and to create solid support among stakeholders.

With a process consisting of in-depth analysis, creative problem solving and a firm commitment to open communication, our work results in visionary planning that enhances the quality of life for those it impacts.

Our public planning work includes:

  • Master Planning
  • Land Use Plans
  • Affordable Housing
  • Conservation Plans/Environmental Sustainability Plans
  • Recreation Plans/Historic Preservation Plans
  • Circulation and Transportation Plans
  • Open Space/Farm Preservation/Forrest Preservation
  • Zoning Ordinance Preparation
  • Grantsmanship
  • Community Meeting Organization
  • Development Plan Review
  • Economic Development Planning
  • Redevelopment Plans
  • Waterfront Development Plans
  • Recreation Design

Private Planning

Scangarello, LLC has an extensive background in private practice. We have prepared many plans for residential and commercial development and have found great success in the private sector. We feel the advice and results we render our clients determine this success. Our advice is preceded by analysis, determination of the feasibility of land, recognition of environmental problems, preparation of design options, knowledge of the regulatory process with State, County and local agencies and communication with our clients. Results are based upon creativity of design and function, value and timing. We have contributed to the success of our clients because we have provided solutions to enhance their land and property values.

Thomas Scangarello has designed sites for Commerce Bank, Mobil Oil, Burpee Gardens, golf courses, shopping centers, residential development and centers for professional offices and private schools.

Our Residential and Non-Residential Planning Work Includes:

  • Site Feasibility Studies
  • Professional Planning
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Engineering and Design
  • Envoironmental Consulting
  • Surveying
  • Representation Before Planning and Zoning Boards in Connection with:
    • Minor and Major Site Plans
    • Minor and Major Subdivisions
    • Use and Bulk Variances
    • Interpretations
  • Consulting and Design Services for:
    • Industrial and Commercial Development
    • Residential Property Owners
  • Representation through Permitting Processes before:
    • Local Governmental Agencies
    • County Agencies
    • Pinelands Commission
  • State Agencies:
    • Department of Environmental Protection Including CAFRA Areas
    • Department of Transportation

Florida Planning

Environmental and Sustainable Planning Firm

Scangarello, LLC evolved from the firms of Thomas J. Scangarello and Associates and Planning Design Collaborative. Thomas Scangarello, PP is the sole proprietor of Scangarello, LLC which was formed earlier this year. Thomas J. Scangarello was also the president of Thomas J. Scangarello and Associates which was founded in 1978 and the founder and principal partner of Planning Design Collaborative both of which maintain an excellent reputation in the planning community.

For thirty seven years, Tom Scangarello's office has been providing an array of planning and design services to municipalities. Our design capabilities place us a step ahead of other planning firms that provide only consulting services. Our clear and concise understanding that each municipality has individualized needs stimulates our enthusiasm to present innovative resolutions to meet those individualized needs. Our innovative design concepts and mindful regard for the environment and sustainability bring together an end product that helps to maintain nature and beauty in our communities. Our experience in municipal government has been one of our greatest achievements. Scangarello, LLC has represented municipal Governing Bodies, Planning Boards and Zoning Boards. We have extensive experience in Master Plan Development, Land Development Ordinances, Community Planning, Park and Recreation Design, and Housing.

Elements and Fair Share Plans, Cross Acceptance, Historic Preservation, Redevelopment Plans and Waterfront Development Planning.

We are proud of the many successful planning programs and design standards that have been instituted in the municipalities we have represented. When you work with Scangarello, LLC, you have the comfort of knowing you are receiving the best professional services from one firm.

Municipal Experience

Scangarello, LLC provides sound interpretative planning and offers alternative and visionary design. This expertise is reflected through our planning reviews and consultations with Planning and Zoning Boards of the municipalities we represent. Scangarello, LLC will provide professional planning representation to the Planning Board and Zoning Board in the review of minor and major site plan and subdivision applications, bulk and use variance applications and interpretations.

Scangarello, LLC provides municipal planning services, which include representation of Planning Boards, Zoning Boards of Adjustment and meetings of the Governing Body. Specific work projects include the preparation of all elements of a Master Plan with an emphasis placed on the required elements including the Land Use Element, Housing Element and Goals and Objectives. We have also prepared Economic Plan Elements, Conservation and Recreation Elements and Historic Preservation Plan Elements. We contributed to "The New Jersey Municipal Master Plan Manual" with the writing of "The Economic Element" which was enabled by a grant from the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation in partnership with the New Jersey Planning Officials.

Economic Development

Scangarello, LLC has been involved with economic development efforts in the municipalities listed below. In many of the programs, emphasis has been placed on rejuvenating the central business district through a combination of improved design techniques and business attraction techniques. Although a standard formula cannot apply to municipalities across the board, many of the guidelines, which we utilize for local economic development efforts are outlined in the New Jersey Planning Officials newsletter that provides guidelines for master plan preparation. We have also prepared the guideline for the preparation of the economic plan element, published by the New Jersey Planning Officials for inclusion in the Master Plan Manual.

Recreation Plans

Our background in Landscape Architecture has afforded us the ability to participate in many recreation oriented projects. Our firm conducted a Joint Recreation Programming and Indoor Recreation Facility Study for Medford Township, Lumberton Township and Tabernacle Township. The focus of this study was intended to act a management decision making aid and provide the Townships with a solid basis with which to move forward in the recreational planning process for the construction of a new indoor recreation facility and community center. We have worked extensively with Green Acres and have attained funding for several recreation amenities throughout the State. We also have experience in creation of recreation designs and the recreation portion of the Master Plan.

Environmental and Sustainable Planning

Scangarello, LLC was instrumental in helping Southampton Townships attain a $50,000 grant to study sustainability mechanisms that would help to preserve the Township's unique rural character while providing opportunities for moderate and compatible growth. Scangarello, LLC, in partnership with Southampton Township, created a Rural Sustainability Plan which highlighted goals and objectives for land use, circulation and connections, environmental resource conservation, economic development and agricultural preservation. The process was heavy on public participation in the form of surveys, public meetings and design charrettes. Southampton Township received planning awards from the New Jersey Planning Officials and the Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions in recognition of their achievements.

Scangarello, LLC worked with Southampton Township's Environmental Commission to create the Conservation, Open Space and Recreation Plan. Our firm analyzed the existing environmental and cultural resources, helped the Township formulate a needs assessment for each resource and identified goals and objectives that would be realized through ordinance adoption. We utilized GIS to aid in the analysis process associated with the needs assessment portion of the project. This comprehensive document has been amended over several years to include forest preservation measures, scenic corridor plan and a farmland preservation plan.

Naples, Florida

Scangarello, LLC specializes in design, zoning and environmental planning and is licensed in New Jersey. Our Commitment is to Exceptional Client Service and Enthusiasm for Creating Great Places. Our team of professionals takes your project from the initial consultation, planning and design stages straight through to the end product.

Proper Planning is the Heart of a Community

Scangarello, LLC is a multi-faceted professional planning firm providing planning, landscape architecture, civil engineering and environmental services offering years of extensive experience to public and private entities. Scangarello, LLC evolved from the firms of Thomas J. Scangarello and Associates and Planning Design Collaborative. Thomas Scangarello, PP is the sole proprietor of Scangarello, LLC which was formed earlier this year. Thomas J. Scangarello was also the president of Thomas J. Scangarello and Associates which was founded in 1978 and the founder and principal partner of Planning Design Collaborative both of which maintain an excellent reputation in the planning community.

Services We Offer In Southwest Florida

  • Master Planning
  • Land Use Plans
  • Conservation Plans / Environmental Sustainability Plans
  • Recreation Plans / Historic Preservation Plans
  • Open Space / Farm Preservation/Forrest Preservation
  • Economic Development Planning
  • Waterfront Development Plans
  • Recreation Design

Scangarello, LLC

Scangarello, LLC is a design oriented planning firm offering extensive experience in municipal planning. We are not an engineering company that employs planners. We are a planning firm that contains a planning and design focus with a concentration on helping municipalities achieve their vision and goals of sustainable growth.

Scangarello, LLC utilizes comprehensive and unique methods to involve all members of the community in the creation of successful planning projects.

Scangarello, LLC provides sound interpretative planning and offer alternative and visionary design. This expertise is reflected through our planning reviews and consultations with Planning and Zoning Boards of the municipalities we represent.

Scangarello, LLC will provide professional planning representation to the Planning Board and Zoning Board in the review of minor and major site plan and subdivision applications, bulk and use variance applications and interpretations.

Scangarello, LLC provides municipal planning services, which include representation of Planning Boards, Zoning Boards of Adjustment and meetings of the Governing Body. Specific work projects include the preparation of all elements of a Master Plan with an emphasis placed on the required elements including the Land Use Element, Housing Element and Goals and Objectives. We have also prepared Economic Plan Elements, Conservation and Recreation Elements and Historic Preservation Plan Elements. We contributed to "The New Jersey Municipal Master Plan Manual" with the writing of "The Economic Element" which was enabled by a grant from the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation in partnership with the New Jersey Planning Officials.